(Ditulis 4 Juni 2004, saat Vikra kelas VI SD, untuk ultah ibu ke 35)
“IBU” (English translation is below)
Wahai Ibu, langkahmu di Dunia ini Sangatlah Berarti
Tanpamu Ibu, Duniaku Gelap Bagai Tanpa lampu
Begitu Sulitnya Aku Menemukan Kata-Kata yang Pas Untuk Dirimu
Lembut Bagai Salju, Hangat Bagai Bagian Belakang Kulkas
Jika Diibaratkan kau Anjing, maka Aku Kutunya
Jika Engkau Monyet, Maka aku Pisangnya
Jika Engkau Ibu Maka Aku anaknya
Jika Engkau Bumi, Maka Aku Makhluk Hidupnya
Kita Selalu Saling Melindungi
Saling Menyayangi, Saling Menjaga.
Banyak Anak Di Dunia, Sedikit Dari Mereka Yang Bahagia
Tak Banyak Yang Bisa beta Katakan, Hanya Vikra Vinda bahagia Punya Ibu Seperti
Ibunda, Yuni Yanti Chuzaifah
Dengan ini beta ucakan Selamat Ulang Tahun
Beta ingin puya Bunda yang Sempurna
Beta tak Punya Uang untu beli apapun buat Bunda
Beta Harap Bunda tidak kecewa, Sekedar puisi yang bisa beta tempel di pintu Kamar
Sekali Lagi, Selama Ulang Tahun, semoga sehat selalu
Dari anakmu yang tersayang, Vikra Alizanovic
“MOTHER” (translated by Vikra on June, 2008)
Oh Mother, your Steps in this World are so Meaningful
Without you, Mother, My World would be Dark as if there was no Lamp
It’s so Hard to find a Word that Suits you, oh Mother
You are as Gentle as a Snow, and as Warm as the back of a Refrigerator
If You were a Dog, then I’m the Flea
If You were a Monkey, then I‘m the Banana
Now You are a Mother, and I’m your Son
If You were the Earth, then I’m the creature living in it
We will Always Protect each Other
We will Care and Love each Other
Many children in this World, Few of Them are even Happy
There’s not Much for me to Say, only that Vikra and Vinda are Happy to Have a Mother
As One like Mother Yuni Yanti Chuzaifah
With this, I’m saying Happy Birthday
I Dreamed of a perfect Mother
I don’t Have any money to buy You anything right Now
I Hope you’re Not disappointed, Only a couple of Words I can Glue on Your Bedroom’s Door
Once Again, Happy Birthday,
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